#!/bin/sh #SBATCH --job-name=qiime2_tutorial #SBATCH --partition=all-HiPri ## NOTE: %u=userID, %x=jobName, %N=nodeID, %j=jobID, %A=arrayID, %a=arrayTaskID #SBATCH --output=/scratch/%u/qiime2-moving-pictures-tutorial/%x-%N-%j.out # Output file #SBATCH --error=/scratch/%u/qiime2-moving-pictures-tutorial/%x-%N-%j.err # Error file #SBATCH --mem=5G # Total memory needed per task (units: K,M,G,T) ##SBATCH --time= # Total time needed for job: Days-Hours:Minutes ## ----- Parallel Threads ----- ## Some programs and libraries (OpenMP) implement parallelism using threads ## (light-weight sub-processes). Advantages: Less processing overhead and ## ability to share memory. Disadvantages: All threads must run on the same ## node. Make sure that the resources you request are feasible, ## e.g. --cpus-per-task must be <= # of cores on a node. ##SBATCH --cpus-per-task # Request extra CPUs for threads ##SBATCH --mem-per-cpu # If your threads us a lot of memory, and you # plan to vary # of threads, use this not --mem= ##SBATCH --reservation=ssilayi_107 #uncomment this line if you're running before 2021-03-03T23:59:00 #otherwise you can delete the line export TMPDIR=/tmp/ ## Run your program or script qiime tools import \ --type EMPSingleEndSequences \ --input-path emp-single-end-sequences \ --output-path emp-single-end-sequences.qza