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Differences Between Argo and Hopper

Argo and Hopper have many similarities and important differences that users must be aware of.

Similarities between Argo and Hopper

Shared Storage

Both Argo and Hopper clusters share the same filesystems that allows users to work seamlessly across the two clusters without having to transfer files between them.

  • /home - is mounted on both and subject to the same quota limits
  • /projects - is mounted on both
  • /groups - is mounted on both
  • /scratch - is mounted on both and subject to the same purging policies

Both Argo cluster and Hopper cluster use Slurm for job scheduling. Software Provisioning

SLURM for Job Scheduling

Both Argo cluster and Hopper cluster use SLURM for job scheduling.

Modules for Software Provisioning

Both the clusters use modules to provide users dynamic access to software installed on the clusters . Argo cluster uses Environment modules whereas Hopper cluster uses Lmod .


We will provide Singularity containers of many applications as an alternative or complement to applications you might have been running natively.

You will also be able to use PodMan to build Docker containers or convert them to Singularity containers to run on Hopper .

Differences between Argo and Hopper

Access via Head/Login Nodes




You can log into any of our login nodes randomly as follows.


If you want to access login nodes with Intel CPUs, you can log in using


If you want to access login nodes with AMD CPUs that also have local NVIDIA GPUs for building and testing GPU-enabled code, you can log in using



Argo Hopper
CPUs Intel E5-2650 v4 Intel Cascade Lake
Intel Skylake AMD Rome+Milan


Argo Hopper
Compilers gnu/4-8 gnu/9-12
intel/2014-2019 intel/2020-2022
MPIlibs openmpi/3 openmpi/4
mpich,mvapich,impi mpich,mvapich,impi

Interactive Sessions


Most of the interactive/graphical computing on Argo was done using user-managed applications like Jupyter Notebooks, Matlab, R with port forwarding and/or X11 forwarding.


Open OnDemand (OOD) is installed on Hopper to enable users to run applications like Jupyter notebook, Mathlab, Mathematica, Python from a web interface. To access the OOD web server, point your browser to

SLURM Settings

Partition Names

The partition names and defaults on the Hopper cluster are different from the Argo cluster. Please see the table below for partition equivalence.

Argo Partition Timelimit Allowed QoS - Hopper Partition Timelimit Allowed QOS
gpuq 5-00:00:00 All - gpuq 5-00:00:00 gpu
all-LoPri 5-00:00:00 All - normal 7-00:00:00 All
all-HiPri 12:00:00 All - bigmem 7-00:00:00 All
bigmem-HiPri 12:00:00 All - gpuq-contrib 5-00:00:00 hantil, ksun
bigmem-LoPri 5-00:00:0 All - contrib* 7-00:00:00 qtong, normal
all-long 10-00:00:0 All - interactive 12:00:00 interactive
bigmem-long 10-00:00:0 All - debug 1:00:00 All
contrib 7-00:00:0 contrib -

The default partition on Argo cluster is all-HiPri with a 12 hour runtime limit while on the Hopper Cluster the default partition is normal with a 5 day runtime limit. Please note the different runtime limits for the other partitions in the table above.

Note: Being a contributor allows users to submit to contrib partition. On Hopper cluster users need to be aware that they can submit jobs to the contrib partition under the condition that their jobs can be preempted by a contributor's job.

The interactive and debug partitions on Hopper cluster have no equivalents on Argo cluster.

You can use the sinfo command to get information about the partitions on Hopper.

  • debug - short test jobs can be submitted to the debug partition for a quick turnaround.
  • normal - this is the default partition.
  • interactive - jobs submitted via Open OnDemand (OOD) with --QOS=interactive run in this partition
  • gpuq - GPU jobs need ton be submitted to the gpuq with --QoS=gpu
  • contrib - contributors to our condo model can submit to the contrib partition with --QoS=<group_account_name>. Non-contributors can submit jobs to the contrib partition with --QoS=normal, but their jobs can be preempted by ones from contributors.

QoS (Quality of Service)


$ sacctmgr list qos format=Name,Priority,MaxWall,MaxTres,MaxTRESPU
      Name   Priority     MaxWall       MaxTRES     MaxTRESPU
---------- ---------- ----------- ------------- -------------
    normal          0                   cpu=1800 cpu=1024,gre+
    cdsqos          0                   cpu=280 cpu=280,gres+
    testqos         0                   cpu=500 cpu=350,gres+
    contrib        100                  cpu=28 cpu=28,gres/+ 


$ sacctmgr list qos format=Name,Priority,MaxWall,MaxTres,MaxTRESPU
      Name   Priority     MaxWall       MaxTRES     MaxTRESPU
---------- ---------- ----------- ------------- -------------
    normal          0                                
     qtong          1
interacti+          0                                  
  orc-test          0                                  cpu=3000,gre+
       gpu          0                                   gres/gpu=20
    amd-test        0
     gpu-test       0                                 cpu=224,gres+ cpu=224,gres+
      hantil        1
      ksun          1
      class         0                                  


Preemption is enforced on the contrib partition both on Argo and Hopper.


Even though both clusters use modules to provision software, the Environmental Modules are used on Argo and LMod used in Hopper have some key differences.For more information on modules check our page on Environment modules


Argo uses a flat module scheme that displays all modules available on the system at all time. When you search a package via module avail <package_name>, you will see modules matching <package_name> regardless of their dependencies.


Hopper uses a hierarchical module scheme that displays only modules which are compatible with the particular compiler and MPI library you have loaded at a given time to avoid incompatibilities. Therefore, searching a package via module avail <package_name> will not necessarily show you all available versions of that package. A more comprehensive way of searching for packages is using the module spider <package_name> command. This will report all available packages matching <package_name>.

Note: On Hopper, you cannot load more than one version of the same application. For example, you can not load python/3.6.8 and python/3.8.6 at the same time. Loading one will automatically unload the other. In the rare cases where it is absolutely necessary to load more than one compiler or MPI library at a time, you can set export LMOD_EXPERT=1 to enable that feature.

When you list the available modules on Hopper, you will see applications grouped as follows:

  • Core - essential system modules
  • Independent - packages without particular compiler or MPI library dependence. These are often applications packaged as pre-compiled static binaries
  • <COMPILER> - packages built using the given <COMPILER>
  • <Compiler>_<MPI-library> - packages built using the given <COMPILER> and <MPI-library>

The default compiler and MPI library on Hopper are GNU/9.3.0 and OpenMPI/4.0.4. Therefore, you will see these groups of modules when executing module avail - Global Aliases - GNU-9.3.0_OpenMPI-4.0.4 - GNU-9.3.0 - Independent - Core

Base/Default Modules


No modules are loaded by default at login on Argo unless you explicitly load them via your startup shell script.


Since modules available to you depend on the compiler and MPI library loaded in your environment, Hopper loads a set of default modules including a default compiler (gnu9/9.3.0) and MPI library (openmpi4/4.0.4).

Warning: If you load modules or set up other environmental variables using your startup scripts on Argo, you will likely get errors and warning messages when logging into Hopper because those modules do not exist on Hopper with the same name.

To avoid these issues, you can wrap some of the logic in your startup scripts to behave differently based on the cluster. Such logic would look like this:

# load the proper set of modules based on the cluster
export CLUSTER=`sacctmgr -n  show cluster format=Cluster|xargs`
export CNODE=`hostname -s`
if [ ${CLUSTER} == "argo" ]; then
  module load <ARGO_MODULE_NAME...>
  source <ARGO_FILE...>
else [ ${CLUSTER} == "hopper" ] 

Module naming


Modules are generally named as <package_name>/<package_version> on Argo.


Depending on the source of the package, Lmod modules on Hopper can have longer names and aliases.

  • Spack-built packages are named <package_name>/<package_version>-<two-character-hash>
  • Some packages have useful aliases such as <package_name>/<package_version>-<two-character-hash> (mixed-precision)
  • Some important packages such as compilers, MPI and math libraries have global aliases appearing at the top when you execute module avail

Searching for modules

Note: On Hopper, module spider searches the whole module tree to find matching modules whereas module avail will only search modules built with your currently loaded compiler and MPI library.

How you search for modules in Hopper is very different from Argo and we will use an example to demonstrate this key difference.

Let's take the package nwchem to demonstrate different compilers.


You can easily see that there are two versions of nwchem .

$ module avail nwchem
------------------------ /cm/shared/modulefiles ----------

nwchem/intel/6.8.1 nwchem/intel/7.0.2


You can initially see that there is one version of nwchem built using GNU/9.3.0 compiler and OpenMPI/4.0.4 MPI library.

$ module avail nwchem

-------------------------------- Global Aliases --------------------------------
   compiler/gnu/10.3.0     -> gnu10/10.3.0-ya
   compiler/gnu/9.3.0      -> gnu9/9.3.0
   compiler/intel/2020.2   -> intel/2020.2
   compiler/intel/2022.0.2 -> compiler/2022.0.2
   math/intel-mkl/2020.2   -> mkl/2020.2
   math/intel-mkl/2022.0.2 -> mkl/2022.0.2
   math/openblas/0.3.20    -> openblas/0.3.20-iq
   math/openblas/0.3.7     -> openblas/0.3.7
   mpi/intel-mpi/2020.2    -> impi/2020.2
   mpi/intel-mpi/2021.5.1  -> mpi/2021.5.1
   mpi/openmpi/4.0.4       -> openmpi4/4.0.4
   mpi/openmpi/4.1.2       -> openmpi/4.1.2-4a
   openmpi4/4.1.2          -> openmpi/4.1.2-4a

--------------------------- GNU-9.3.0_OpenMPI-4.0.4 ----------------------------

Use "module spider" to find all possible modules and extensions.
Use "module keyword key1 key2 ..." to search for all possible modules matching
any of the "keys".
However, you are not seeing any other versions that are built with other compilers and MPI libraries. That's where module spider comes in.
$ module avail nwchem


  For detailed information about a specific "nwchem" package (including how to load the modules) use the module's full name.
  Note that names that have a trailing (E) are extensions provided by other modules.
  For example:

     $ module spider nwchem/7.0.2-mr

You can now see there are three versions of nwchem on Hopper.

If you randomly try to load one of these modules, you may get an error message like this:

$ module load nwchem/6.8.1-ip

LMod has detected the following error: These module(s) or extension(s) exist but cannot be loaded as requested: "nwchem/6.8.1-ip"
   Try: "module spider nwchem/6.8.1-ip" to see how to load the module(s).

To see how you can load any one of them, you can run module spider on any particular version.

$ module spider nwchem/6.8.1-ip

  nwchem: nwchem/6.8.1-ip

    You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before the "nwchem/6.8.1-ip" module is available to load.

      hosts/hopper  intel/2020.2  impi/2020.2

      High-performance computational chemistry software

The output above is telling us that to load this module, you would need the compiler and MPI library it was built with, namely intel/2020.2 and impi/2020.2.

$ module load intel/2020.2 impi/2020.2

LMod is automatically replacing "gnu9/9.3.0" with "intel/2020.2".

LMod is automatically replacing "openmpi4/4.0.4" with "impi/2020.2".

$ module load nwchem/6.8.1-ip

$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) use.own     3) prun/2.0       5) intel/2020.2
  2) autotools   4) hosts/hopper   6) impi/2020.2

Basic LMod Usage

The table below summarizes the most commonly used LMod commands. Please note that you can use ml as an alias or shortcut to module

Module Command Description
ml avail List available modules
ml list Show modules currently loaded
ml load/add package Load a selected module*
ml +package Load a selected module*
ml unload/rm package Unload a previously loaded module
ml -package Unload a previously loaded module
ml swap package1 package2 Unload package1 and load package*
ml purge Unload all loaded modules
ml reset Reset loaded modules to system defaults
ml display/show package Display the contents of a selected module
ml spider List all modules (not just available ones)
ml spider package Display description of a selected module
ml keyword key Search for available modules by keyword
ml, module help Display help, usage information for modules
ml use path Add path to the MODULPATH (module search path)
ml unuse path Remove path from the MODULPATH (module search path)

Note: We have enabled the autoswap feature in Lmod such that loading a package while a conflicting package is loaded will automatically swap the modules. For example, tying to load python/3.8.6 while python/3.7.6 is loaded will automatically swap python/3.7.6 for python/3.8.6. Without the autoswap feature, you would have had to manually unload python/3.7.6 and load python/3.8.6.

Click on the following clip to get the basic look and feel of Lmod in Hopper.
