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Getting an ORC Cluster account


All GMU faculty, staff and students are eligible for an account on ORC clusters. Account requests must be sponsored by a current GMU faculty member.

To request an account, please fill out the account request form.

The link will take you to an authentication page where you must login with the GMU netid and password. Complete the form indicating the responsible faculty and other required information.

NOTE: External collaborators can get access by following the same process as long as they have GMU credentials through affiliate status. This is normally done through the respective department.

New User tutorials

Before your access to running jobs on the cluster is activated, currently, new users have to complete the New User tutorial. After submitting the account request form, you will receive an email with details on how to access the New User Tutorial module. Only once you complete the module, including the completion form with the required information, does your account get activated and you’re able to submit jobs on the cluster.


The current schedule for the ORC Walk-In Office Hours held regularly in Merten Hall Room 3112 are:

  • Mondays: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
  • Tuesdays: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
  • Wednesdays: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
  • Thursdays: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Appointments can also be made to hold sessions online or at different times. Please submit a help request to if you need to arrange a different time.

ORC by Appointment​

ORC can offer one-on-one or small group tutorials covering several topics, including SLURM job submission, Python, and R. Please submit a help request to set up an appointment.

See Also