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OpenMX 3.9 is available on Hopper.


OpenMX 3.9 with path 3.9.6 was installed on Hopper with Intel One API compilers. To install: 1. Set up your shell environment:

module load OneAPI
module load fftw

source $SETVARS
2. The source files and patch files are taken from their download page and the patch applied as given in their README.
  1. The installation instructions for the makefile to build from source were referenced from this page. Relevant extract:
In the makefile, CC, FC, and LIB as follows:

CC = mpiicc -O3 -xHOST -ip -no-prec-div -qopenmp -I${MKLROOT}/include -I${MKLROOT}/include/fftw
FC = mpiifort -O3 -xHOST -ip -no-prec-div -qopenmp
LIB= -L${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64 -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -lifcore -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -liomp5 -lpthread -lm -ldl

Then, for the installation you can perform as
make all
make install

Running OpenMX on Hopper

Slurm script for openmx in batch mode

#SBATCH --job-name=openmx_test
#SBATCH --partition=normal
#SBATCH --constraint=intel

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=12
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=3500M

#SBATCH --output=openmx_test-%j.out
#SBATCH --error=openmx_test-%j.err

## Load Modules
module load openmx
source $SETVARS --force 

## Execute
#mpirun -np ${SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE} -runtest -nt ${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK}

mpirun -np 4 openmx -runtest -nt 1
cp runtest.result runtest.result.4.1

mpirun -np 2 openmx -runtest -nt 2
cp runtest.result runtest.result.2.2

mpirun -np 1 openmx -runtest -nt 4
cp runtest.result runtest.result.1.4

Run with

sbatch run.slurm

Results for different configurations of threads and tasks.

These tests are the same ones run in the install instruction pages. The cluster comes out a bit faster.

  • Case 1: 4 MPI Tasks, 1 OMP threads
   1  input_example/Benzene.dat        Elapsed time(s)=    5.25  diff Utot= 0.000000000031  diff Force= 0.000000000003
   2  input_example/C60.dat            Elapsed time(s)=   24.66  diff Utot= 0.000000000000  diff Force= 0.000000000002
   3  input_example/CO.dat             Elapsed time(s)=   11.13  diff Utot= 0.000000000096  diff Force= 0.000000000277
   4  input_example/Cr2.dat            Elapsed time(s)=    8.84  diff Utot= 0.000000000943  diff Force= 0.000000000294
   5  input_example/Crys-MnO.dat       Elapsed time(s)=   23.13  diff Utot= 0.000000000003  diff Force= 0.000000000017
   6  input_example/GaAs.dat           Elapsed time(s)=   37.45  diff Utot= 0.000000000000  diff Force= 0.000000000000
   7  input_example/Glycine.dat        Elapsed time(s)=    6.60  diff Utot= 0.000000000001  diff Force= 0.000000000000
   8  input_example/Graphite4.dat      Elapsed time(s)=    3.98  diff Utot= 0.000000000027  diff Force= 0.000000000152
   9  input_example/H2O-EF.dat         Elapsed time(s)=    5.17  diff Utot= 0.000000000000  diff Force= 0.000000000002
  10  input_example/H2O.dat            Elapsed time(s)=    3.85  diff Utot= 0.000000000000  diff Force= 0.000000000011
  11  input_example/HMn.dat            Elapsed time(s)=   15.29  diff Utot= 0.000000000131  diff Force= 0.000000000021
  12  input_example/Methane.dat        Elapsed time(s)=    3.31  diff Utot= 0.000000000009  diff Force= 0.000000000001
  13  input_example/Mol_MnO.dat        Elapsed time(s)=    9.24  diff Utot= 0.000000000370  diff Force= 0.000000000085
  14  input_example/Ndia2.dat          Elapsed time(s)=    5.42  diff Utot= 0.000000000001  diff Force= 0.000000000000

Total elapsed time (s)      163.32
  • Case 2: 2 MPI Tasks, 2 OMP threads
   1  input_example/Benzene.dat        Elapsed time(s)=    5.29  diff Utot= 0.000000000019  diff Force= 0.000000000006
   2  input_example/C60.dat            Elapsed time(s)=   28.42  diff Utot= 0.000000000004  diff Force= 0.000000000001
   3  input_example/CO.dat             Elapsed time(s)=   12.50  diff Utot= 0.000000000095  diff Force= 0.000000002442
   4  input_example/Cr2.dat            Elapsed time(s)=    8.24  diff Utot= 0.000000000979  diff Force= 0.000000000039
   5  input_example/Crys-MnO.dat       Elapsed time(s)=   33.84  diff Utot= 0.000000000002  diff Force= 0.000000000004
   6  input_example/GaAs.dat           Elapsed time(s)=   49.37  diff Utot= 0.000000000010  diff Force= 0.000000000000
   7  input_example/Glycine.dat        Elapsed time(s)=    6.32  diff Utot= 0.000000000001  diff Force= 0.000000000000
   8  input_example/Graphite4.dat      Elapsed time(s)=    4.18  diff Utot= 0.000000000006  diff Force= 0.000000000008
   9  input_example/H2O-EF.dat         Elapsed time(s)=    4.85  diff Utot= 0.000000000000  diff Force= 0.000000000002
  10  input_example/H2O.dat            Elapsed time(s)=    3.69  diff Utot= 0.000000000001  diff Force= 0.000000000394
  11  input_example/HMn.dat            Elapsed time(s)=   16.55  diff Utot= 0.000000000151  diff Force= 0.000000000021
  12  input_example/Methane.dat        Elapsed time(s)=    2.91  diff Utot= 0.000000000006  diff Force= 0.000000000001
  13  input_example/Mol_MnO.dat        Elapsed time(s)=    9.21  diff Utot= 0.000000000316  diff Force= 0.000000000083
  14  input_example/Ndia2.dat          Elapsed time(s)=    3.71  diff Utot= 0.000000000001  diff Force= 0.000000000000

Total elapsed time (s)      189.09
  • Case 3: 1 MPI Task, 4 OMP threads
   1  input_example/Benzene.dat        Elapsed time(s)=    6.49  diff Utot= 0.000000000008  diff Force= 0.000000000009
   2  input_example/C60.dat            Elapsed time(s)=   29.55  diff Utot= 0.000000000009  diff Force= 0.000000000004
   3  input_example/CO.dat             Elapsed time(s)=   12.79  diff Utot= 0.000000000026  diff Force= 0.000000006976
   4  input_example/Cr2.dat            Elapsed time(s)=   10.15  diff Utot= 0.000000000928  diff Force= 0.000000000144
   5  input_example/Crys-MnO.dat       Elapsed time(s)=   56.56  diff Utot= 0.000000000001  diff Force= 0.000000000055
   6  input_example/GaAs.dat           Elapsed time(s)=   85.88  diff Utot= 0.000000000009  diff Force= 0.000000000002
   7  input_example/Glycine.dat        Elapsed time(s)=    8.25  diff Utot= 0.000000000001  diff Force= 0.000000000000
   8  input_example/Graphite4.dat      Elapsed time(s)=    3.98  diff Utot= 0.000000000001  diff Force= 0.000000000031
   9  input_example/H2O-EF.dat         Elapsed time(s)=    5.74  diff Utot= 0.000000000000  diff Force= 0.000000000004
  10  input_example/H2O.dat            Elapsed time(s)=    4.54  diff Utot= 0.000000000001  diff Force= 0.000000000371
  11  input_example/HMn.dat            Elapsed time(s)=   21.78  diff Utot= 0.000000000055  diff Force= 0.000000000022
  12  input_example/Methane.dat        Elapsed time(s)=    3.22  diff Utot= 0.000000000002  diff Force= 0.000000000000
  13  input_example/Mol_MnO.dat        Elapsed time(s)=   12.39  diff Utot= 0.000000000059  diff Force= 0.000000000136
  14  input_example/Ndia2.dat          Elapsed time(s)=    3.93  diff Utot= 0.000000000000  diff Force= 0.000000000000

Total elapsed time (s)      265.26