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Running MACAULAY2 on Argo

According to the Macaulay2 website: Macaulay2 is a software system devoted to supporting research in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra.

Loading Macaulay2

You can check to see what versions of Caffe are available using the following command:

module avail Macaulay2
To load you preferred version, use the module load command. For example:
module load Macaulay2/1.14

Running Macaulay2 Interactively

Macaulay2 can be run interactively on the login nodes, but we ask that you not run any lengthy experiments there since it is a shared resource. To get interactive access to a compute node, you can use the salloc Slum command. Unfortunately there does not seem to be a good way to control the number of threads used when running Macaulay version 1.14 (the current version, as of this writing). When it runs, the program will allocate a number of threads proportional to the number of cores on the machine on which it is running. For this reason, we recommend that you allocate as many cores on a given node as you can. You can do that by combining the --constraint and --cpus-per-task Slurm options. For example, if you wanted access to 16 cores you could use this command (Note that other valid options for constraints are Proc20, Proc24, Proc28 and Proc64):

salloc --constraint=Proc16 --cpus-per-task=16

If this command does not give you access to a machine, and instead leaves you hanging with the following message: "salloc: job XXXXXX queued and waiting for resources", then try pressing and using a smaller number with the --cpus-per-task option.

Once you have logged in (and assuming the Macaulay2 module is loaded) you can get a list of options for the program with the following command:

M2 --help
When running on a compute node, your home directory will be read-only, so it is a good idea to run with the "-q" option. This will start an interactive session, but will not read your $HOME/.Macaulay2/init.m2 file.

M2 -q
At this point you can type interactive commands as usual. If you are not very familiar with Macaulay2, this tutorial may be a good starting point:

Note that if you need to have write access to a file system for any reason, you should use you /scratch/ directory.

Creating a Macaulay2 Script

When performing operations that are more time consuming, it may be more useful to submit them to Slurm as a job so that they will run whenever the appropriate resources are available. Here is an example script that takes 30 minutes or more to run:

-- collatz.m2 -- Borrowed from this tutorial on Beginning Macaulay2

Collatz = n ->
          while n != 1 list if n%2 == 0 then n=n//2 else n=3*n+1

print(tally for n from 1 to 1000000 list length Collatz n)

Running the Example

In order to run the script on the cluster, we will use this Slurm submit script:


# collatz.slurm

## Give your job a name to distinguish it from other jobs you run.
#SBATCH --job-name=Collatz

## General partitions: all-HiPri, bigmem-HiPri   --   (12 hour limit)
##                     all-LoPri, bigmem-LoPri, gpuq  (5 days limit)
## Restricted: CDS_q, CS_q, STATS_q, HH_q, GA_q, ES_q, COS_q  (10 day limit)
#SBATCH --partition=all-HiPri

## Separate output and error messages into 2 files.
## NOTE: %u=userID, %x=jobName, %N=nodeID, %j=jobID, %A=arrayID, %a=arrayTaskID
#SBATCH --output=/scratch/%u/%x-%N-%j.out  # Output file
#SBATCH --error=/scratch/%u/%x-%N-%j.err   # Error file

## Slurm can send you updates via email
#SBATCH --mail-user=<GMUnetID>     # Put your GMU email address here

## Specify how much memory your job needs. (2G is the default)
#SBATCH --mem=1G        # Total memory needed per task (units: K,M,G,T)

## Request a 16 core node.
#SBATCH --constraint=Proc16

## Define how many cores we want to allocate for threads.
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16

## Load the relevant modules needed for the job
module load Macaulay2/1.14

## Run your program or script
M2 --script collatz.m2

Note: Be sure to replace with your login ID in order to receive email about the status of your job.

And to launch the job, use the following command:

sbatch collatz.slurm